Once upon a time there was a girl that had no idea that dying your own yarn was a possibility. She lived a happy life shopping at craft stores and her local yarn shops finding lovely colors, if not the exact color she was looking for. Then she stumbled across a group on Ravelry called Love to Dye and the world of yarn dying opened up before her.
I spent weeks reading through the forums of this group absorbing everything I could about the process and the dos and don'ts of dying yarn. Reading up on other peoples questions and mistakes. Then I reached a point where I'd read too much and was stuck in a spot where I was sure I would screw it up if I so much as laid a finger on a jar of dye. So I stayed in a holding pattern for a while of reading the forums and looking at what to order and not actually doing anything about it.
Then a dyer that I follow on Instagram (Brediculous Yarns, go look at her stuff and buy some. It's gorgeous stuff), did a live Facebook video just of her doing some of her dying. It was like the clouds parting. She made it look easy. Time consuming, but easy. So I decided I was going to just do it. I order yarn and dye and collected a bunch of supplies and then real life got in the way.
I order all this stuff in May and this weekend was the first time I really had a chance to give it a go. I had Saturday evening to myself and wanted to dye a yarn to compliment a skein I had just gotten (from Brediculous Yarns. I'm not kidding. So pretty). So of course I pulled out seven mini skeins and mixed up four different colors of dye...
You guys, I had a BLAST doing it. It is time consuming and a tad messy, but it is so much fun seeing the colors strike and how they interact. I foresee this being an expensive and time consuming hobby. The (hopefully not too far away) goal is to open an Etsy store and sell some of it. There is no way I'll be able to knit as much yarn as I want to dye. I know that the indie dyer market is incredibly over saturated, but if I can sell some here and there to cover the costs of this adventure I'm going to call it good.
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