Monday, June 5, 2017

So Many MKALs, So Little Time

I don't think it's a secret that knit-a-longs and mystery knit-a-longs are absolutely my jam. They are what really got me back into knitting on a more consistent basis.  It seemed like such a novel concept when I first heard of it last year. A whole group of people knitting the same item, but only getting a portion of the pattern at a time with no idea what the final product would look like! I had never heard of anything like this before. I was completely sucked in.

The first one I did was the West Knits October MKAL. I had complimented a friends shawl and she told me all about the idea of MKALs (hers was Exploration Station which I totally want to do at some point). I was so intrigued that I went home and searched Ravelry for more information. Discovered that the October West Knits MKAL was starting in a week and jumped on that bandwagon.

Picking colors is hard enough when you know what you're making. When it's a complete mystery it's even more stressful. Sometimes it's successful and sometimes not so much... I was pretty happy with my colors for the West Knits MKAL when I picked them and then quickly grew to hate them a few sections into the shawl. However, it has started to grow on me...

Then I did the Aroha Knits Makariri Shawl KAL and it was like the flood gates opened. There are entire groups on Ravelry that keep track of KALs and MKALs that are happening. Guys, there are SO MANY. I want to do a lot of them, but I simply don't have the time for all of them. I just finished one for the month of May, started another for the month of June, and now I've got two I signed up for starting in July and one in August..

Here's the one I'm working on now. A lace weight shawl on US size 2. The yarn I picked is definitely more like cobweb yarn... It takes great lighting, sharp enough to injure yourself needles, and serious concentration.

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