Thursday, December 15, 2016

Hello There!

My name is Jessie. I’ve been a casual knitter for almost 15 years. I was taught by friends who said “don’t worry, cast on a few more stitches, it’ll be fine” and that’s how my first scarf project ended up being a bag instead… Take it from me, 60 stitches on 10 ½ needles is too many for a scarf.

I recently started knitting with determination again. I was working with a woman that had a beautiful shawl wrapped around her neck. I asked her about it and I was introduced to the concept of mystery knit-a-longs. Let me tell you friends it is a deep hole that I will probably never get out from.

I did the West Knits October KAL and I learned so much just from that one pattern. I also discovered the thing I had been missing in all my other years of knitting. There is a great sense of community you can get through knitting the same thing as hundreds if not thousands of other knitters. They can be your cheerleaders and your mentors. Having a problem figuring something out in the pattern? The Ravelry forums will come to your aide! And in the end you have a shawl!

I am hoping to use this blog as a way to document my process and the things I’m experimenting with. Fair warning, there will probably be some complaining… I’m working on a shawl with a lace pattern that is making me tear my hair out right now. I’m on Ravelry as PelicanGoddess (no judging… it’s a holdover from high school). Come be my friend! I have four and one is my mother-in-law… I’m on Instagram as JessieKnits. I’m excited about this adventure and I hope you join me!

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